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Why Ptosis Surgery Required? First, you have to understand about ptosis, Well, Ptosis is commonly defined as the condition in which the skin of upper eyelid starts dropping. Causing the disturbed vision and extremely tired appearance. Ptosis is the most challenging oculoplastic problems and belongs to the family of Blepharoplasty.

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Ptosis disease is not only harmful to the eye sights, it even aims to put excessive pressure on brain nerves thus leading to the problems like fading of sight, blacking out without any prior reason and other nervous system issues.

The research indicates that presence of Ptosis on the person’s face is free from the limits of age or gender. Even the newborn is also exposed to the danger of Ptosis without any significant reasons.

What’s the solution?

Advancements in R&D have literally made the life of patients easier. From deadly problems like cancer to a minimal issue like dropping of eyelids, medical has become successful in finding the solution to all the problems.

Similarly, if you are suffering from Ptosis, it won’t be difficult for you to find the permanent solution and get rid of the problem. However, before jumping to the conclusion, it is important to understand the underlying problem causing factors and how the deficiencies could be controlled.

Causes of Ptosis:

Ptosis could be unilateral in nature (i.e. attacking the single eye) or it could be bilateral. Sometimes, it is hard to notice the dropping eyelid because of the eyebrow structure. The people who are unaware of the Ptosis, usually tend to adjust their eyebrows in order to elevate the pupils. It has also been observed that people with initial Ptosis disease unconsciously try to elevate their eyebrows thus increasing the chances of structured-lines (horizontal wrinkle lines) around the eyes.

Some of the common causes, which can effectively help in understanding the Ptosis problem are as follows:

  1. Involutional Ptosis or Age-based Dropping:

Involutional is also called as aponeurotic disease and caused due to the aging factor. This disorder is common in the grown-up people and caused due to the weakening of Levator muscles. According to the research, any sort of trauma, disintegration between the nervous system and continuous rubbing of eyes could lead to the Involutional Ptosis.

This type of Ptosis is also caused due to the improper generation fatty tissues inside the upper lid. The fatty tissues usually get merged with the muscles and start the drooping process thus leading to impaired vision, head strain and the birth of horizontal frown lines.

  1. The defect in Levator Muscle:

A defect in the levator muscle is also called as congenital Ptosis. Under this condition, the muscles which are responsible for keeping the eyelid of its place start losing their holding strength. Congenital Ptosis is highly common amongst those people who are faced with the calcium and vitamin deficiencies from their birth.

Levator muscles are present inside our skin since birth, however, factors like eye injury, infection on the eye or any other birth defect could impact the strength of the area thus leading to problems in the future. When our elevator muscles are weak, it becomes relatively easy for the skin to lose it laxity and kills the natural collagen.

  1. Caused By Excessive Eye Swelling:

Another non-acquired cause of Ptosis is the excessive eye swelling. Eye swelling could be the result of any sort of eye injury, infection or disease. If you are having the eye swelling for the longest period now then, it is better to get yourself checked in order to control the further development of the Ptosis.

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The timely eye infection such as allergic reaction to any cream or cosmetic item could also lead to ptosis. This type of ptosis is normally temporary in nature and tend to go away with proper medication and use of muscle strengthening creams.

Symptoms of Ptosis:

In many of the cases, patients start realizing the Ptosis once it reaches the advanced stage. Patients usually try to associate the symptoms with environmental factors like dusty eyes or bite of an insect. However, if you have started to observe any of the below-mentioned symptoms then. You should quickly rush to your doctor in order to avoid the vulnerable results in the future.

  • Continuous fixing of eyebrows for improving the vision
  • Heaviness in the head or unnecessary pressure one eyes
  • Impaired vision due to the slight drooping of the upper eyelid
  • Timely or continuous pain in the forehead due to eye strain
  • Appearance of untimely wrinkles around the eyes
  • Unconscious tilting of head in order to improve the vision

Bottom Line:

The symptoms of Ptosis are usually unconscious and it is hard to detect the problem before the actual dropping of the eyelid. The best way of detecting the problem is continuous eye checkup. You should visit your eye specialist after every 2-4 months so that you could easily detect any issues.

Additionally, if you have a doubt of Ptosis then, consider comparing your recent photo with the older one. If there are any changes in the photo.You might need to see your doctor and ask about the things which could be done to avoid the further drooping

Usually, the drooping size of eyelid varies from person to person. Some people start detecting the maximum dropping at very initial stages while others are only capable of detecting the swelling.

It is better to keep a constant check on your eyes in order to detect the problem at the initial stage.

Details About Ptosis Surgery:

Ptosis surgery is the detailed and proper surgical process which is performed after proper examining the patient’s conditions and planning the method which shall be opted during the treatment. Additionally, before performing the surgery, the medical history of the patient is properly analyzed in order to understand the need for anesthesia and the chances of other diseases which are associated with the body.

Always remember that only the specialized oculoplastic is capable of performing the treatment. Don’t get trapped by the fake dermatologists of eye care doctors because any complication could lead to adverse impacts such as loss of eyesight and nerve damage.


Technically there are three types of the procedure through which the Ptosis surgery is performed. The common parameters which are used by surgeons depend on the size of Ptosis and how it is impacting the visual functioning.

  1. Transcutaneous External Ptosis Surgery:

Transcutaneous Ptosis surgery is the most common form of Ptosis treatment and done on patients with normal levator muscle working. This surgery basically helps in elevating the sagging skin and removing the internal fat with the help of external technique.

Under this treatment, the internal fat is removed with the help of proper incision and the skin is stretched back in order to return the eyelid to its normal place. This treatment is called as the best Ptosis repair because it helps in elevating the skin without putting pressure on the internal tissues.

  1. Transconjunctival Ptosis Surgery:

The internal Ptosis which is 2mm in size is usually treated with the method of transconjunctival Ptosis surgery. Under this treatment. The Müller’s muscles are operated with reviving the position of the upper eyelid and removing the excess fat from the levator muscles. For properly performing this treatment, the functioning of levator is considered by the surgeon. If the levator muscle is damaged then, the doctor might decide to go for the accessory upper eyelid procedure. This technique is also used to improve the visual axis and lift the eyebrows. Additionally, in some of the severe cases, internal treatment is used to elevate the forehead in order to control the dropping of the skin to the pupils.

  1. AutoGenous Ptosis Surgery:

Autogenous Ptosis surgery is another repair treatment in which autogenous tissues are put to work for removing the upper eyelid Ptosis. The efficiency of this treatment is a little bit doubtful because it needs harvesting and repetition after some time. For instance, patients with autogenous ptosis surgery are usually supposed to retake the treatment after 2 years because of the poor performance of autogenous muscles and the sagging skin.

The research indicates that this type of Ptosis surgery is only beneficial for those people who are suffering from the initial stages of the Ptosis. Patients with acquired Ptosis or the unilateral type of Ptosis can decide to opt for this surgery.

Sometimes doctors decide to go for internal Ptosis surgery for improving the eyesight because of the functioning of orbital fat.

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Typical Ptosis surgery process

Before and After Ptosis Surgery:

The before and after results of Ptosis surgery are indeed incredible. The repairing treatment not only helps in curing the drooping eyelid. It also helps in improving the vision and reshaping the eyebrows in the most alluring manner.

Some of the visual illustrations of real clients can help you in understanding the above-given statement.

Side effects of Ptosis Surgery:

It is hard to deny the fact that every medical treatment and repairing process has certain side effects which are hard to neglect. Some of the common side effects associated with the Ptosis surgery are as follows:

  • Swelling and Puffiness:

The side effects of Ptosis surgery are only limited to the swelling of eyes and its properties. Most of the patients usually complain about puffy eyes for several days after surgery. However, the swelling tends to go away with the passing time. The traditional recovery time for Ptosis surgery is 30 days.

  • Difficulty in opening eyes:

This side effect is not very common. However, still many patients usually complain about the difficulty of opening eyes during the morning time. Additionally, some patients also company about the closing difficulty backed by pain and swelling.

  • Chances of Bloodshot:

Bloodshot is usually common after the 7 days of Ptosis surgery. This side effect is not mandatory, however. It tends to occur in those patients who have sensitive orbital fat and also the fat in the lower eyelid. During the bloodshot. Some patients might also complain about the drying of eyes or the occurrence of white patches around the eyes.


All the Ptosis surgery side effects are temporary and usually, tend to go away with proper care and treatment.

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Ptosis Surgery Cost:

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As Ptosis is the proper surgical treatment. Therefore, the cost of the treatment varies from the experience of the surgeon and the method they decide to use for treating the Ptosis. Normally, the cost of Ptosis surgeries lies in the range of $3000-$5000.

If you have selected to stay in the clinic for proper care then, this amount might go a little up.

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The efficiency of Ptosis surgery is surely free from any doubts because this treatment aims to provide the permanent solution to the Ptosis problem without influencing the facial muscles. Before undergoing the surgery. It is recommended to take proper consultation from your specialized doctor because this surgery is not the part of the normal cosmetic surgery.

It is better to take prior information than regret later because it is impossible to undo the effects of the treatment.

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