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  1. Letter Space Generator
  2. Letterspace App

Letterspace — Trend List Trend List — Exploring visual trends in contemporary graphic design. Have you ever had to plan your day around a conference call? Ever felt like a. Tips to help you identify poor spacing:. Look out for poor spacing in some letter combinations such as Va, Fo, Ta, AV, AT, AW.They may require a light touch of manual kerning at large display sizes. Letterspace Think about all of the notes you have to take on a daily basis. It's something we all do. Good note taking is based on being able to get your thoughts and ideas on the page quickly and efficiently. Let­terspac­ing (also known as char­ac­ter spac­ing or track­ing) is the ad­just­ment of the hor­i­zon­tal white space be­tween the let­ters in a block of text. Un­like kern­ing, which af­fects only des­ig­nated pairs of let­ters, let­terspac­ing af­fects every pair.

Entrepreneurs love technology and apps -- we welcome anything that allows us to be more productive on the go with open arms. With more than 1.2 million apps in Apple’s App Store, it’s impossible to keep track of them all -- and very easy to let a gem slip past.

Here are five apps that I have recently started using that are worth checking out.


1. UberConference

Have you ever had to plan your day around a conference call? Ever felt like a prisoner in your office because you had to be glued to your desk to jump on that call? Grab UberConference now and you can handle you conference calls on the go right from your mobile device.

Letter Space Generator

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Say goodbye to scheduling travel plans around conference calls -- this app lets you watch the call in action as if you were behind your desk on your computer and you can quickly schedule a call and add members through your phone contacts. This app has been a lifesaver and I no longer cringe when I have a conference call on my schedule.

2. Sunrise

The standard iPhone calendar app is good -- but Sunrise is better. The user experience is flawless and it easily connects to all the major calendars, including Exchange, iCloud and Google Calendar. This is a perfect example of an app that doesn’t need any fancy gimmicks. The interface is simple and easy to use. It’s free, so give it a spin and see if you abandon your previous calendar app like I have.


3. Flipboard

Do you find yourself getting your daily news from a dozen different websites every day? Flipboard lets you select from current events and several other categories -- and delivers relevant news all in one stream. Jumping around between websites can cut into your productivity, so allow this app to summarize everything, and allow you to access all of your news in one place. Highly customizable, you get to select what news and social feeds it delivers.


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4. Outlook

Letterspace App

If you are using the default email app on your phone, quickly download the new Outlook app. This is without a doubt the best app to manage your emails from your mobile device. The new Outlook app is based on the app that was developed by Acompli, which Microsoft acquired in late 2014. I was a beta tester when Acompli was being developed and all of the great features that made me love that app have carried over.

5. Letterspace

I used the default iPhone Notes app all the time. Anytime I needed to jot something down quickly I’d pull out my phone and just add a new note. What I didn’t like was the lack of organization. Letterspace lets you swipe through your notes and also search using hashtags. That is correct -- hashtags have now migrated over to note taking. It’s a much sleeker and convenient note-taking app that you will appreciate if you currently use the standard Notes app.

Do you have any must-have app recommendations to add? Share your favorites in the comments section below. Autocad 2016 download link.

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