Blender To Substance Painter

  1. Substance Painter To Blender Addon
  2. Blender To Substance Painter Plugin
  3. Blender To Substance Painter Color Id Mask
Blender To Substance Painter

In this tutorial Alex shows you how to go from Substance Painter and importing those textures into Blender.

Substance Painter To Blender Addon

Jun 01, 2018 Blender Artists is an online creative forum that is dedicated to the growth and education of the 3D software Blender. Every damn time I texture a character in Substance, it looks great and amazing over there, I export the textures into Blender, plug them using the Principled Shader and it looks terrible. Mar 09, 2021 2019-12-19:Support Substance Painter 2019.3.0 Interface. 2019-8-14:Support Blender 2.81,Support Substance Painter 2019.2.3. Intro: This Plugin connect the Blender and Substance Painter,let the Blender and Substance Painter workflow is quickly and efficiency! Plugin include two part: A Part:'Bl2SP' install to the BLender 2.80,let the Blender. The (non-Free) texture painter excels at creating complex PBR textures. BlenderBrit writes: In this short tutorial you will learn how to export models from Blender into Substance Painter and how to setup a basic node group to make use of the textures generated by Substance Painter.

For following along make sure you have the Node Wrangler addon installed – which is delivered as a default addon with Blender >= 2.8.

In the tutorial is explained:

Blender To Substance Painter Plugin

  • How to export the textures from Substance Painter so that they can be used in Blender.
  • Create the material in Blender (Node setup for Principles Shader) with the nodes using the exported textures. Here the Node Wrangler addon is used which is a great help.

Blender To Substance Painter Color Id Mask

Also as a beginner you can easily follow along.